Java TechieShedLock in Spring Scheduler: Prevent Duplicate Execution in Distributed SystemsWhy Shedlock?Mar 21Mar 21
Ramin OrujovSpring Boot Story: A simple and effective way to manage cron jobIn this post I explain how to effectively manage scheduled job execution and configurationFeb 181Feb 181
Dev CornerDay 6: Understanding the CAP Theorem in Distributed SystemsIn today’s blog, I will discuss the CAP theorem, a fundamental concept in distributed systems that plays a critical role in designing…Oct 17, 2024Oct 17, 2024
InJavarevisitedbyCode WizMastering gRPC with Java and Spring BootFew months back I started working on a gRPC based project in finance domain and had to spend time understanding the basics of gRPC and…Feb 3Feb 3
InJavarevisitedbySarangan JanakanDon’t use Lambda Expressions without understanding this key design patternHow the Strategy Design Pattern Enhances Your Use of Lambda Expressions:Sep 17, 20242Sep 17, 20242
Arvind KumarAdvanced Spring Boot Concepts Every Java Developer Should MasterSpring Boot’s simplicity often overshadows its power to handle complex enterprise requirements. In this article, lets see the glimpse of 7…Dec 9, 202419Dec 9, 202419
Varun PandeyImplementing Tracing and Logging in Spring Boot with AOPIn modern applications, especially those built with microservices, tracing and logging play a critical role in tracking requests as they…Sep 6, 2024Sep 6, 2024
Pallavi DevrayeUnderstanding RestTemplate in Java Spring: When and How to Use ItRestTemplate is a class provided by the Spring Framework that simplifies the process of making HTTP requests and handling responses. It…Jun 2, 20241Jun 2, 20241
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InLevel Up CodingbyCloudWay Digital Inc.3 Lessons From 20 Years of Software DevelopmentLesson #1: The Most Insidious Bugs Hide In BetweenNov 17, 20244Nov 17, 20244
InLevel Up CodingbyCloudWay Digital Inc.Mastering Caching in Distributed ApplicationsIf I had a dollar for every time that I came across a bug with an implementation of caching in a software system… I would probably have…May 17, 20247May 17, 20247
Vikas TaankApplying Due Diligence While Using Private Methods in JavaRead the contextNov 16, 202418Nov 16, 202418
Pallavi DevrayeMastering WebClient in Spring Boot: When and Why to Use It Over RestTemplateWhen developing Spring Boot applications, communicating with RESTful web services is a frequent requirement. Historically, developers have…Dec 8, 20242Dec 8, 20242
InJavarevisitedbyjavinpaul10 Essential Skills for Backend Developers in 2025Want to Become a Backend Developer? Learn These Essential SkillsDec 18, 2024Dec 18, 2024
kiarash shamaiiBest Practices for Working with Large Datasets in JavaRecently, I faced a task to calculate running balances for all accounts, each with over 10,000 transaction records. After extensive…Oct 28, 202418Oct 28, 202418
Gilles BarbierAn Easy Path From API-Based Microservices to An Event-Driven Architecture For Improved Reliability…Building reliable business processes using API-driven microservices is a common goal for modern applications, such as online food ordering…Apr 30, 20247Apr 30, 20247
Alex KlimenkoJava: Event Driven architectureSome aspects of event driven architecture with examplesApr 25, 20245Apr 25, 20245
Ketan PatelMy interview experience for Software Architect — Java position.Recently I gave interview for Solution Architect — Java role in one of the leading service based companies. I am sharing here list of…Oct 9, 202414Oct 9, 202414